Friday, February 18, 2011

Proven Roulette System Blog

B WHERE him to go?

Today was a Mego-long day. 5:00 a tedious lecture on graph theory that is the density of the spectrum of eigenvalues and how it differs from the fractal. Pfff. Kill me! Then persuasion Marcos drink with him Chigoev-That one evening. So why do I give up? I've had enough of Hagen and Etienne (evil laugh behind the scenes). Then report the professor about how cool the course of lectures I listened to this week (thought to die, chesslovo, sometimes ..)

Then conversation with a prospective student from Lyayptsiga PCBs. Cool shmuck! Especially as it deals with Lie ... it kapets ... they have there their takiiiiie threads just die. It is strange that the guy in English hardly talks, the report made in German, although in LaTeX prezentashku biting zababahal =) the truth on this subject I have it better did not understand.

then went to "Littenvayler" at gymnastics. PPC, taking into account the traffic lights the road takes 40 minutes by bicycle, and Beh Gloves - death. After Gymnastics - once in a bar in tights, running shoes and my shirt "Ich bin Freiburger!" - the logo of the local beer middle class. Some friends arrived from Berlin, Hagen, personal way to communicate.

Sipping coffee with Baileys, I reasoned with Hagen about where it would be cooler to go on vacation. A month ago I was pretty sure I want to Miami. Now I think it's expensive. Flight 600 euros, and there is still a couple thousand at least put + hotel nemeryannom worth it. In general, a rotten idea. We are simple people. Now here's mull options include:
- South America (neBraziliya not want to hide from Gopnik), go somewhere on the Equator: Ecuador, Peru, Chile, too, like nothing. Especially since no visa is necessary.
- Indonesia. There are mountains and beautiful beaches.
- India. Not only attracts, but they say that Goa - it's molecules.
- Australia ...??? Neee is a different price ...
- Malaysia, China. There's good diving. :)

So, can someone advise what? All of these countries on the budget seems to be satisfied ... But maybe there is something special? Such мега-премега... :) 


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