Thursday, February 24, 2011

Entry Level Professional Mini Dv

Plagiarism - the most popular topic in Germany nowadays

The big booom about german minister's PhD thesis work has come to Freiburg also ;)
Yesterday, our professor brought us some university's papers for signature that we knew about plagiary, we will not do it, and if we got to know, that somebody had done it, we would inform the boss. Even if you write a citation, you can not press magic buttons Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C, but you might  write using another words. I am curious about our some Ukrainian master or Bachelor diploma works...

Here, in DE, if somebody finds out that you copy-paste smth, your department don't get money from the country anymore, and what is more - will have to give money obtained from the country for last 5-10 years back which is impossible. So, let us be honest!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Women With A Brazilian Wax

Feldberg - Schneeschuhewanderung

Feldberg - the highest point of the Black Forest, however, it can hardly be called high: only some 1500 meters, and sometimes less. But the fact remains - the ski lifts and there, as well as comparatively low prices that can not but rejoice. Plus, half an hour's drive from Freiburg. What a nice neighborhood! Previously, it was necessary in the Carpathians train ride all night from Kiev, but then again some ride to catch buses, extra spending. And now - the ball! How cool!

still in the car, I tried to make some shots:

weather was incorrect in Freiburg - the rain in the mountains - the fog. But here's the snow gone - it is a very gut, though He strove to fill the collar, but I wore during the Coif!

So, after some time on arrival to a conditional place, our travel group received "ShneeShu," such as snowmobiles. That is, special shoes in order to be comfortable as it can be called, move through the snow, making climb to the top of Feldberg. Soon the procession moved:

One minus those most snowmobiles: the legs have extensively rearranged, or you may fall, although fall nestrashno in the snow ...

Well somehow spent 5 hours in the mountains. It was rihtig Gut! :)

And yet this picture Bad:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Proven Roulette System Blog

B WHERE him to go?

Today was a Mego-long day. 5:00 a tedious lecture on graph theory that is the density of the spectrum of eigenvalues and how it differs from the fractal. Pfff. Kill me! Then persuasion Marcos drink with him Chigoev-That one evening. So why do I give up? I've had enough of Hagen and Etienne (evil laugh behind the scenes). Then report the professor about how cool the course of lectures I listened to this week (thought to die, chesslovo, sometimes ..)

Then conversation with a prospective student from Lyayptsiga PCBs. Cool shmuck! Especially as it deals with Lie ... it kapets ... they have there their takiiiiie threads just die. It is strange that the guy in English hardly talks, the report made in German, although in LaTeX prezentashku biting zababahal =) the truth on this subject I have it better did not understand.

then went to "Littenvayler" at gymnastics. PPC, taking into account the traffic lights the road takes 40 minutes by bicycle, and Beh Gloves - death. After Gymnastics - once in a bar in tights, running shoes and my shirt "Ich bin Freiburger!" - the logo of the local beer middle class. Some friends arrived from Berlin, Hagen, personal way to communicate.

Sipping coffee with Baileys, I reasoned with Hagen about where it would be cooler to go on vacation. A month ago I was pretty sure I want to Miami. Now I think it's expensive. Flight 600 euros, and there is still a couple thousand at least put + hotel nemeryannom worth it. In general, a rotten idea. We are simple people. Now here's mull options include:
- South America (neBraziliya not want to hide from Gopnik), go somewhere on the Equator: Ecuador, Peru, Chile, too, like nothing. Especially since no visa is necessary.
- Indonesia. There are mountains and beautiful beaches.
- India. Not only attracts, but they say that Goa - it's molecules.
- Australia ...??? Neee is a different price ...
- Malaysia, China. There's good diving. :)

So, can someone advise what? All of these countries on the budget seems to be satisfied ... But maybe there is something special? Such мега-премега... :) 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Indian Boobs In Office

Differences between german and chinese people (german opinion)

Differences between german and chinese people (german opinion)

Today I am gonna discuss a german character. I have already seen enough differences between russian (i.e. ex-USSR ) and german mentalities. For example, my college says it is old fashion, when the guys pay for their girls while I find it nice, and this doesn't mean that I will sleep with the guy who has payed for me today.

But let us consider things that seem much "easier" than "who pays"  :) so, what are the differences between the life ways of german and chinese people from the german point of view?

1. Punctuality

There is an opinion that german people always come in time. I would not say so. NO. Especially about german trains that are nearly always delayed, and very often for 30 minuts or even 1 hour, or just cancelled. Nice punctuality! Chinese people come more or less in time, up to 15 minus delay is quite OK for them.
2. Lifestyle

German people are individualists . Even my students almost never "collaborate" with others, although it is OK at our uni. It is not Russia or China where it is important to find out who did homework indeed and who just rewrote it :)

3. Meetings

Meetings of german people remind me small exitations of the network; meetings of chinese people - complex network, clusterization, maybe, even complete graph, where all the nodes are connected with each other.

4. Parties

See e.g. part 3)

5. On Sunday

Freiburg seems really dead city on Sunday: the shops are closed, no people. Do the germans do big parties and sleep afterwards the whole Sunday? Or, maybe, they do some housework? Chinese people go out, and a lot, every Sunday. And the way round: in China, you can find many people at the streets with children and so on. Probably, there are just too many people in China...

6. In the reastaurant

In the following Figure, one can see the sound vawes of german and chinese people while eating in the restaurant. German people prefer to eat quickly, pay & go, but chinese people prefer loooong eating procedure discussing some topics.

7. Travelling

Chinese people are always making photos...everywhere... :) perhaps, because they would like to share with their impressions with people from the graph theory (see, e.g. 2)

8. Beauty

German women are happy to lay in the sun as well as to get a nice tent as a result. Chinese women use umbrellas to stay pile as a result. Just different opinions about the beauty standards.

9. Problems? Solutions!

Chinese people do not like to deal with problems, and what is more - to solve them. They prefer to avoid finding the solution. Of course, you can avoid it, maybe, today or tomorrow... But not forever. Does it help indeed? Germans prefer to search for the right solution as quickly as it is possible. Is it an ego-problem? See next picture!

10. EGO

Here, I cannot comment a lot. This should be pretty easy clear.

11. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Chinese people always eat warm food. Germans like to eat warm lunch, but for dinner and breakfast - no. Although durig week-ends, they like to have family dinner, where one eats, for sure, warm "Hauptgerichte", traditionally with fried meet. They hate porriges! As for the german breakfast - it is quite often sweet (brrrrrrrr...), croissans, butter, and, of course, marmelade (honey). Also coffe latte. Funny thing: if you order latte in Russia, you will get coffee with some milk. In Germany also. In Switzerland you may get milk. "Latte" means "milk" in Italian. Funny.

12. Old people

Chinese old people like to go for a walk with their grandchildren. German people do the same, but with the dogs. Sure, why not..? But will the dog bring you a glass of water when you are really old and unable to take it by your own? This fact always surprises me. I would rather take care about children when I am old... seems, more reasons..

13. Shower time

German people have shower in the morning, chinese people do it before goind to bed. As for russian people I would say 50\50. Mom always teached me: "Clean youself before you go to your clear bed!" ... Therefore I refer myself to chinese people :) But does it really matter? The point is to smell good and not to be dirty.. WHO cares when you do it..

14. Finally.. the last one!

SOme time ago, german people usage of cars, chinese - bycicle. Now it works the way round. Transport evolution. :)

Now, thanks for attention!

P.S. Author of this blog would like to say biiiig thanks to her chinese friend Tingting for such useful and interesting information!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does Genital Herpes On A Guy Look Like

South Park!

Блин, вспомнила "Youth" hostel and watching the old series "South Park"! Still, sometimes this is somehow not enough ... And then life becomes duller and duller ... Interestingly, as there are things our little ... :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stop Your Friends Seeing Your Freinds On Facebook

Here's another day ...

somehow sad and depressing at the same time it could be worse ...

Etienne to fly to South America ... Said that because of me, they say, he and I can not bear parting .. Ha-ha-ha .. he just vpadlu execute documents.

Since yesterday, I go for days at a lecture on graph theory. Morning from 9:00 to 13:00 and then Lunches then 14:00 - 16:00 - programming in Python. I still do not quite understand why you eat and how you can connect the modules in there and heaped all sorts of packages on the theory graphs, so that still hold my opinion that the package is "mathematics" is not so bad. But if you will learn Python, then there to Dzhava far, the principle of something the same most work. Well, if not learn, then staying in "Mathematics" and "Matlab", although here in Germany I believe that if the hare for a long time to beat it to learn everything (The output of another no ...)

I go to gymnastics. The Germans are gimastika, we have - fitness. Gym our uni is in a "Littenvaylere, there on the bicycle with my Habsburger Strasse where an hour with all the traffic lights. I think I lose more calories on the way to the sports complex than during exercise. But now You can eat sweet sometimes:) and not only meatless salad for dinner, yes - oh my God, What a joy! - Every 2 weeks beer:) By the way, on nutrition. I do not know what the Germans products their are stuffed, any poison or something, but I never give up:) it's just super:) I can eat what I want, any time day or night. In Ukraine, I often vomited when eating in front of sleep ...

Okay, it's time, probably spatki me. Tomorrow again a lecture at 9 am, you have to be cucumber.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wart On Thumb Knuckle

found mysteriously missing mayor of Kiev

Something increasing my bad mood today (re-posting from

"Kiev Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky from yesterday is at his workplace in the premises of city council.

informs UNIAN referring to the Press Secretary Vice-Chairman of the Kyiv City Olga Tuny.

«Leonid yesterday was at his workplace and is today", - O. Tuny said.

On the question of whether the Kyiv City Mayor to attend the next meeting of city council, which is scheduled held on 10 February, Tuny says there is an order to adjourn the meeting on 17 February, and through the presence of the mayor, then, according to her, until early to tell.

Twenty Seventh January, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov appealed to the Chairman of Kyiv City State Administration Alexander Popov, with a request "must find" the Kiev city chairman L. Chernovetsky and bring him back to work.

The day before Popov, assured reporters that communicates with Chernovetsky, although did not say where he is. At clarifying the question of journalists, there is a mayor on the job, chairman of the KCSA said: "We are dealing with it."

At the end of December 2010 the newspaper "Today" reported that the Chernivtsi in Ukraine there from the beginning November, after the official appointment of the chairman Popova KSCA. Told the newspaper if the source of the inner circle of Chernivtsi, he left in Europe, with his wife Aline Aivazova, and even documents to sign him to carry back ...."

Ukraine really needs a loooooooooooooooooot of time to integrate to Europa .........


Monday, February 7, 2011

Where Can You Buy Tech Decks Not Online

My next (at) misadventures Switzerland

My next at Misadventures in Switzerland

can bang.

That's a little bit coming into itself, and want something kalyaknut, although you do not want to reopen it.
After nnnn-GOVERNMENTAL strife and Etienne decided to meet in Basel on the "world" and at the same time - at the exhibition in Basel. My "Sunny" stated that it is in Fribourg, but to arrive at 16:30 in Basel with joy, in what was oh how hard to believe. But I-what? 10 euros for half an hour - and hello, Basel! Watching: no handsome on Treffpunkte. I waited half an hour, I think, well, and figs with him, to walk alone. Then a Swiss-German to me useful to get acquainted. Met. Name him Gene (out of the bottle, or what?) German himself, but has lived for 5 years in Switzerland, the bank operates. That is, in the bank, which manages all kinds of finance. Walked the smallness of it, "Sunny" announced He hengover and wildest headaches, but it still crawled in Basel, afraid of losing me forever (ha-ha, it has long been my provtykal itself did not notice how). On the way to the Bahnhof to meet with me, ete .. ensnare conductors, zavtykala I buy a ticket, pancakes ... 80 francs, or about 65-70 euros. And in my purse, only 20, I Franks basically do not buy, they are doroguschy steel kapets easy! And controllers do not want to take evryi and credit card-I myself have not yet opened. Had Germans flee to the nearest ATM, "rescue" me.

So, with the German parted, saying sorry for a couple of times a fine of 80 francs. Nemec wrote my Number Handy. Met with "Sunny", which reported that he was particularly once here with me for a walk, it rises at 6:30 am, to sleep, and already 20:30. Went to a bar to drink beer. We talked about this and that and then somehow "Sunny" referred to the joyous news that, during evalyueyshna superiors allowed him to work year does not mean the nearest Trip to South America. КУДАААААААААААААААААААААААААА ???????????????
Yes, says the implementation dream of his life at last: the year I will travel to South America at large - the romance-it is! Only the bosses have time to say that they have prepared all the papers .....

Honestly, I did not hear more ... Heart stopped. The soul went into the heel. A tear rolled down ...
"What are you doing?" - Tells me. - "It's so cool! Do you really did not have dreams in your life? You know, for me it important ... "No, I do not understand. In my mind this does not fit. I was ready to die immediately.

In this state, "Sunny" I could not leave, it literally dragged me to the train station, as time was already 10 pm, and he was there in the morning to work and start otpaivat hot tea at some restaurant right there at the station. I was numb. I do not pomgla speak. I have inside that something stuck. And in the brain thought: "What do I mean? Well, what have I done wrong?" Am I so strongly guilty before God that I was tormented by this plague for 10 months ... "
... As time went on. I myself did not come. "Sunny" glanced at the mobile phone, climbed the Internet, checked flights and screamed that the Russian would mean "Ept!" In short, all those snot-experiences I missed the last train to Freiburg, and after 2 minutes, we could miss the last train to Zurich. A ticket to Zurich, I was not. "Sunny" ran to the vending machines, I have - to hold train. Heck, with the ticket machines were not working. In the hope that the conductors are asleep, we have room in the train. But the conductors is not asleep. And then had to pay extra Franks type of penalty for ticketless travel: (well here have paid a penny - 10 Swiss wrappers.

crawled home to the "Sunny" at 01.00 at night. I realized that I wanted to eat. I say him: "let's guzzle, you bastard!" He told me: "Uh-huh. I also eat with you. "Ate in silence. Then, "Sunny" wanted cannot score, I had a half away. No, not threw herself skurila. Such stresses, even marijuana, however, does not soothe ...

At 6.30 am, "Sunny" has risen, I dryhla to 7.30. Then he checked the train, and 9.00 have been on the way to Freiburg ... Yes, "Sunny" to pay all my fines and driveways. And I am none the better for it, I feel still etc. .. ovo bad.
In Basel realized that forgotten in a hurry yesterday his cap, had to chafing from the train, look for a restaurant yesterday and pick up from there. And it is awkward to mom of Hagen, which I knit her a week. And a great hat!

staff spoke about his misadventures, well, so no details, they ofigeli. Anya said: "Damn, well, you as always!" Pete is already used to that with me something happens all the time: you get sick, then the hangover, it can not, then something else. One professor me happy: we will soon release an article and I make great progress with ... programming! Vot.

In short, do not get bored with me ...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Extension How To Get Rid Of Garbage Clip Art

test on German

Well, I finally again something I write.
Today is the first day at work after my bronhititsa, which, incidentally, is still progressing. All welcome. Nothing new. Here I sit and think to go to faynal test in German. Not to say that it is ready. Well, as they say, the pioneers are always ready. The last time, like, so all was ready, and got on Prapositionen, which had to guess: (

But then - in the pubs Thomas and Hagen! :)) Gut!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Armitron Wr165 Change From Military Time

diagnosis J20.8 Akute Bronchitis durch sonstige näher bezeichnete Erreger

a week now I cough .. do not sleep at night ... ARI thought, as usual: throat ache a little, and therefore cough. But it is strange that no other symptoms - Runny nose, temperature. After the second or seventh sleepless night, and irritation over the weekend Etienne decided to still go to the doctor. And not in vain - I have bronchitis, and rare case - contamination through the wand, the bacterium. Now I drink antibiotics and gradually come to himself. And some drug plague that change makes at least some sleep. Well, at least, plus: no need to go to work, and even there all pozarazhayu ...

Hopefully, Etienne is not caught me, I, too, his swine flu is not caught, так что будем надеяться...

Ладно, пошло я пить чай с таблеткой..

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Iron Horse Yakuza Ojiki

not sleep

Мля, не спится.

Слушаю русскую попсу, ну или попсу на русском, и какие-то воспоминания странные Kills climb. Damn, fewer had coffee with Beiliss at night looking to drink. Well, my throat just a beer and drink: (((can I have bronchitis? Hell of a cough for 5 days throat almost no pain, but his voice is almost gone, saying in a whisper. Here I drink milk with honey in the hope of salvation. Kapets, human Hagen: I'm so fine with the idea to think I can jump! Here I reread my scribbling - complete nonsense: Boombox started with songs, and stopped for bronchitis and Hagen with Bayliss. Hahahaha. Sometimes difficult to understand me .. Maybe we all future scholars such cheknutye?

So, what I mean.

today met with Romchikom, my classmates from Kiev. Yes, yes, it happens sometimes. We PCBs students in different branches of the same uni. Not only that - at the university, I thought it is stupid .. drotom, and he gave me - dumb blond. And now we are friends ... Still the same mentality plays a role. It all started when I showed him Freiburg and where to get everything you need in it (socks, underwear, bread ..), then went with him to the embassy, where he talked for German, well then, somehow struck up a case. Today, six hours at the bar talked about everything, remembered former Kiev, sigh: When playing in liter-ball, and I fell asleep drunk in the men's room when my daughter was carrying a professorial stuff at the seminar, as one friend drove to the university, before 6 am playing monopoly (and Dimonchik angry that we bought it Obolon) as a chess game played by pairs, as hookah smoking, drinking brandy with lemon, stoned as a couple on the theory of chaos come, oh yes a lot of things ... :) Romchik then suddenly said: "You know, Nastya, I do not know German, and friends I have almost not here, and on weekends I only sleep there, and stouter on 8kg and still feel like a human, and not, as in Ukraine. I am glad that I have these memories, but more pleased that I have a new life now, I feel safe and confident and did not need anything ...." God, as I understand it! Of course, even the 2000 UAH. in Ukraine - It's not bad for a graduate student, but with our inflation and corruption ... does not pull back once ... of course, a different mentality here (for example, croissants with jam and butter for breakfast:))) just kidding), but you get used to everything:) all we are people ...

Oh, already so late. Finished her milk. All went to bed. Guta Naught!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Running Homecoming Princess Ideas

Night of Museums in the bezel

Neither more nor less - 1.5 museums, 2 exhibitions + 0.3 + concert in Munster 10-15 tracks at a club after that. Total - 6 hours well-spent time on the "domestication" . As usual, this night for the visitors younger than 25 years, entrance to museums is free (ie, lucky).

Most of the time spent at the Museum Tinguely. Such a miracle I had not seen it! The Museum is dedicated to the life and work famous machine sculptor Jean Tinguely. The permanent exhibition displays works by the artist in all stages of his career. The essence of the museum - lots of interesting pieces collected from all debris, Swiss metallokonstruktorom:) but still they can move:)

Here are konstrueviny hanging under the roof of the museum:

But this "bird" wings waving:

dog for a walk out:

incredibly beautiful drawing a car (impressionism?):

This guys talking:

Local Beauty:

most interesting - the exhibition "Ande DestrAkshn":

Home feature of this exhibition - visitors permitted to peck the floor until your feet get tired or bored ...

And, you can make toast with this here colossus:

.. And see how the shoot in the fridge:

This machine kiss each other. And three months ago, they simply put side by side flights. Every day they get closer to each other by 1 cm closer. Amazing!

's room, which rotates together with all contents in it. Well roar!

The next museum we visited an interesting exhibition of the architect - the author's ideas tntsuyuschego home in Prague. This is a residential area somewhere far away in America or Canada:

This can not remember. In my opinion, simply one of the working moments Author:

Then a guard came and asked for no more pictures : (

after going to the museums at 2.00 the night we went to a local Protestant Münster concert to listen (Basel - protestanstsky Canton):

Tools like:

Especially this:

one word - "civilize" it is a pity that little time ... : (

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Maintain Confidentiality

Mallorca im Winter

One day before Christmas we found a good offer from Air Berlin. It was a flight to Palma de Mallorca for half the price. The hotel was relatively cheap - it cost about 58 € per night for two in winter.

On the fourth of January we were already on the plane on our way to sunny Spain, where you can get much-much heat. And so, in Palma, we were very surprised: the weather was pretty nice: +21 ° C outside. The city has looked like in the summer: the bright sun, blue sea, and, of course, lots of big green palm trees everywhere.

Otherwise, many happy people with dogs.

On our first day in Palma, I've tried for the first time English national food. English typical food is quite rich and varied: rice and salads to meat and seafood. The starters, for various meats, vegetables, and seafood places exist, are called TAPAS.

But in Spain we are interested not only for food but also for relaxation and recreation.

In summer it is easy to go to the beach, in to be the sun. Too bad it's too cold in winter to swim in the sea. But still can you go for a walk, visit interesting places and breathe fresh sea air. It is also very healthy and useful. We did that.

We rented a car, we drove to the East and West coasts.

We visited several cities, the small but very cozy are.

On our way to Deia, have a city with a large and beautiful park, we made so many breaks, because it's not as easy to drive with hairpin bends.

The cities on the island of Mallorca seemed to be very similar: small houses,

many Blum,

and messy cabling.

On the east coast we visited a cave. Previously, we had trouble finding the cave, but we had managed to get out and it was worth it.

In whole, I can say that winter in Mallorca, such as the beautiful spring or early Summer in Freiburg. Everything looks very nice and green! We are not swimming in the sea and have not being in the sun, but still get a lot of positive emotions and new powers for the new year!