Sunday, April 29, 2007

Trampolining Instructor Training

Tadaimaaaaaa !!!!!

Well something like that, now April is almost over and I've fixed the Hanami photos still not online! Drum this entry is now time the beautiful, white to pale pink-colored cherry blossoms dedicated pinky .... even though the photos, unfortunately, have not so good, but funny wars all, hehe: D

Yes So that's the Philosopher, which included Tetsugaku no Michi, a very popular spot Hanami in Kyoto! When we were there, but the trees were not yet in full bloom and the weather was hazy bissl (or how there always says!), So the flowers do not really from the white sky ... uh. .. take off, but anyway .....

Yes, if the sun affects the channel obviously better .... but as you can see and woman warengar not a few people there!

Hahaha! : D And we of course also adorned with the beautiful .... the Kirschblütleins Joe is the flower in her hair very well .... I think Sakura Joe, kawaiiiiii! : D
Yes, then a few days later we were at the Kamogawa Hanami .... that was especially beautiful, along the river are all cherry trees are planted, which is really beautiful !!!!! :):)

Hach yes .... and in front of the home are also quite a lot of cherry trees ... the Japanese, having beat out with the garden or landscape design


Kireiiiii! So pretty, of course, in real-songwriter viiiiieeeeellllll beautiful .... because it's really true that throughout Japan for 2 weeks in bloom, and then the falling cherry blossoms replaced by fresh greenery and nature awakens to new life .....

is now unfortunately faded all (at least in Kyoto) but the transient makes the whole thing fun and interesting .... and as I said, this songwriter now very green and there are still plenty of other flowers to admire, hehe! ;)

sodala, the last photos of Malaysia or Singapore will have to wait until the next entry, because my upload task now is really full for this month, but never lasts long anyway, so no worries .....

Moreover, even now, GOLDEN WEEK which means means that we have a week free and Kathi shoot photos is again busy sightseeing ... a trip to Hiroshima is planned and a trip to Kobe (maybe) and then in Kyoto and Osaka are also a few shows that I I do not like to miss ..... lalala;)

okidoki, mata ne! Chompy soon and to all !!!!!!


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