Friday, December 22, 2006

Backpack Measurements

Merry Christmas! New video

guys, tomorrow I'm going home at last! * Happy *
I wish all who read this, a beautiful and peaceful Christmas! * Gg *

Oh, I've made a new video (Hurt):

It is D / J Slash! ;-)

Saturday, December 9, 2006

How To Make A Long Round Table Skirt

singing is worth it!

So, I've just come back from the Christmas market. Since there is indeed encountered many musical artists, I thought, what can I can too! So I've
my music stand taken, a few lyrics and then put me back a few booths.
With success! In about half an hour (!!!) I'm nearly 20, - EUR taken !!!!!!
So if that is not an hourly wage, I do not know. But then came
a seller out of business before I got up and asked me to make me add somewhere else, because he hears the inside and not fit to his radio tooting! * * Püh
Well, I was ready anyway, so I sang one last Ave Maria plays (that was the bringer o m pletely!) And made my way back home again.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Units In A Bottle Of Jack Daniels

Wormhole ² Con

Oh yeah, it was once again totally great!
pity that it's already over ... * * Heul

Here are some pictures from the Con:

I have to say Paul is really cute, but still it is something to small for me. * Lol *
Peter Flemming was really great. He has surprised me positively. Very nice, sensitive, and the man can sing! Just my type! * Gg *
Teryl was as always a bundle of energy.

Best really was the last evening, when everyone in the restaurant came, where we (Astra, Nostra, Manuela, Drew and I) had already eaten the last 2 evenings ever! I'm not I am right, than there came through the door!
I Teryl scared on the toilet and me too. In the end, Paul came again to our table and said goodbye friendly. "German food is so good," he just said, holding his fill down the abdomen.

Oh that was really a nice ending to a successful Con!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Does Velicity Von Do Escort

Ring * Con

So now isses already over! * * Heul
Again it was so great! Lots of great clothes revisions and nice people.
was in the choir is again totally beautiful. I still have goose bumps from our website and a catchy tune! * Lol *
Craig was back sooo sweet. Oh, I can beat every time * censored *. Otherwise
were also many non-LOTR costumes. For example, Xena or Cpt. Jack Sparrow to Will Turner and Elizabeth.

Here are some pictures: I
as Haradrim
Sean Astin
Cpt. Jack Sparrow
Miranda Otto
Mark, Craig and Lori

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

How To Program Corvette Remote

Fanart for Ring * Con

Now it's just a good week for Ring * Con and I'm looking forward to it totally!
the occasion of the birthday of Craig Parker, but also the recurring appearances by Craig Ferguson and Mark at Ring * Con, have some People in the LotR forum intended to make for both a book as a thank you.
I would of course also take part and have represented the two following WP's created, which are then in the book! * Smile *

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Manco Talon Not Gettin Spark

New Wallpaper

So, yesterday I've downloaded some new fonts. I wanted to try it today again. But in the end I'm still only one beutzt! * Lol *

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pentax K1000 Interchangeable Focusing Screens

New Banner So, since Kinsey was so nice to me the movie "Century Hotel" with David Hewlett to heart , I've crafted a banner for it:

Die Ausschnitte mit David sind übrigens sehr zu empfehlen! Es lohnt sich! ;-)

Monday, October 9, 2006

When Is Petco's 2010 1 Gallon For $1 Sale

You tube

So, nun hab ich mich endlich mal bei "You Tube" angemeldet. Da musste ich doch glatt mal ausprobieren, wie das mit dem Video-hochladen funktioniert.
Und siehe da, es hat geklappt! *freu*
Hier nun also der Link zu meinem Auftritt beim Schulmusical in der 13. Kalsse (also vor 2/3 Jahren). Man, bin ich alt geworden!

Friday, October 6, 2006

Clockwork Orange Replica Cane

's last works!

Soo, nun bin ich doch endlich im Internet!

Der Umzug hat super geklappt!
Allerdings hat es ewig gedauert, bis ich endlich telefoniern und ins Internet could! This was partly on the phone and on the other at the network card!
But now it's all going, thank God!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dry Days Before Period

zero hour

So, now is getting serious. Zero hour is approaching!
My room is hardly recognizable. Now I have to remove only the poster and pack the rest ...
Oh man, so I'm getting scared!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

English Johnson Bros Blog

marry24 @ 2006-09-23T12:31:00

* pout *
wanted tomorrow with Jens after Wackershofen, which is an outdoor museum near Schwäbisch Hall. The do there tomorrow (and today) it Backofenfest. Since I was with my family earlier very often, and I want to show you all ...
Well, today he a meeting in the Youth Office (debriefing of the Arts, he has mitgeleitet) and tomorrow he must of course play football * angry *
He really not sure that the festival is the weekend-tzrotzdem I am grad stinky.
I stop now since long time period (one does not leave) and would like to do something, and he has all the appointments and meet with friends (or friends want to do with it what) and so where I think we can he do it all when I'm back in Heidelberg ...
(really common but I think halt grad so ...)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Matching Colors Shirt To Wear Orange Dress

marry24 @ 2006-07-16T19:52:00

Ohhh ... my sister has left grad school trip to Sorrento ....
awakens the memories ... and I had to leave grad absolutely nothing wrong.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Play Free Online Game Mount And Blade

marry24 @ 2006-05-31T18:51:00

Could the seminar next week Friday from 16:00 to 9:00 embarrassed, ergo:! Forward the weekend seven hours the first place I come home early again then, secondly, I can prepare ejw in the World Cup Opening Ceremony and the most important : I can even watch the opening match in full length!
belongings of all collected signatures in our course, rumgeärgert me yesterday with the secretary and me today, happy that everything goes as smoothly! (Sure, the teachers do so earlier in the WoE)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Wholesalers Gamers Barebones

marry24 @ 2006-05-29T21:07:00

My God what's that SCH ...- Weather!!
I went today not tomorrow, well, I used to get out of the lecture because I was so sick. This is somehow a kind of migraine with me, but I've only very rarely. I then got home and put to bed until half past one am lying there ... headache is certainly not gone away ...
then quickly cleaned the house and made me towards the post office on the road. Had to send the application to the State Examination Office for Physikum to Stuttgart and have the security made by registered letter with return receipt> € 5.30
On the way I'll have my HL by me and I bought an apricot and Funny Paperback (> because I was sick yet;)
bin grad so fruit fanatics (Finally reflects strawberries, Aprokosen (some still quite green), nectarines and peaches)
am now a little bit added in default with my own learning plans, but Catherine sent me cute text message, and I am encouraged that the day is not too important ( and that anyway the weather is just there to lie in bed ...)

I hope tomorrow's better songwriter, so I can do whatever I decide. Now I'll go later to bed early, do my muscles relax and I am fit again tomorrow! I need Internet

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Watch M Jak Miłość Online Subscribe

marry24 @ 2006-05-03T11:22:00

finally in my room I'll miss everything ...
Can you recommend me a supplier? I never want to Telekom. Have yet to connect with them. Number at the moment still € 16.99 fee, but can not the Internet (! Can so already, but there will be charged the MB alone at exorbitant prices swimming
go after back-so nice weather, most of all I would go to the outdoor pool;)
today and tonight, we meet us, God willing, with Laura (the last two times as wirs were doing what came in between.
And now I have to prepare for the internship from Friday (I have tons of grad print texts can choke * all * in ENGLISH !!!!)
Tomorrow afternoon I go home, because we have tickets to the evening Magic in the Great House at the Stuttgart State Theater. Looking forward.
And Friday morning, then back here ... Looking forward net.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Disconnect 99 Windstar Door Chime

marry24 @ 2006-04-26T13:29:00

The Evening with the video has become nothing. Catherine had only called off because her aunt has come to the hospital, and she had no desire to make it something, and shortly afterwards called me Laura that she must go home because they desperately need their gynecologist. Then I'm walking
with Leonie gegangen.war on the banks of the Neckar still warm. have an ice geschlotzt. nice
I was swimming before really. Long have I not kept up, but half an hour is better than nothing;)
Now I will strike the degree of killing time, because what I've printed, but the always takes so long until you can pick it up.
And then I cook something nice to do and carrot salad'm hungry (only ne Kiwi gefühstückt)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Service Dog Vest In Canada

marry24 @ 2006-04-25T10:34:00

Today I feel better. Hab grad
talked with Leonie. The always feel like if you told her something. And then we have courage made for Physikum-is only a test! And you can write again if necessary.

Did yesterday ripped Bißle dusted windows and all heard loud reggae! Then I felt better.
And now I have to write a letter to the telecom, because the notice sent to me ne 17/08/2922 !!!????
And then I go to learn about physics in the UB.
This evening we meet at Laura-cook together and watch a movie ... Looking forward on it (but now I'm done it so crazy was that I think I need the time to learn ANYTHING? * Ahhhh *

noon tomorrow I might go swim-Bißle movement does no harm;)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Pokemon Soul Silver Netplay

marry24 @ 2006-04-17T20:41:00

Sorry if I am currently not really in touch, but I try to grade the last week to enjoy at home and sit it no longer really on the PC ( Also it is stupid to me anyway, arguing with my siblings about ...)
I will be back next week to write more often my frustration of the soul;)
But I've read all of you!