Thursday, March 29, 2007

Curtains Draperie Bangalore Center


For my selfish things
Originally uploaded by silent anyway, I want hanami! Cherry blossom viewing, but Pronto!
* wine, sniff, cry *

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Patty Cack Patty Cack Song

We are back!

The Fishermen Originally uploaded by Sara May
. Hui, although the ten days in Thailand and Malaysia have passed as the flight arrives, I Kyoto now quite a different approach! Obviously because of the spring ....
Anyway, great time! And very, very hot, which has been defeated on the minds and drum gabs not only bliss but also vain strife ... but that is probably in a group of 5 people can not be avoided;) Anyway, the food was good , mercifully the weather and sandy beaches hach knows ... yes! Gabs and crabs like this one everywhere! The full trip report will follow with the photos next week or so ... and then there will then also have any of the plum blossom, Universal Studios and Arashiyama ... all the old movie, hehe: D Hm, jo and the flight I MI can have inspired film, Technical and looking me straight Marie Antoinette, it's very trashy but good soundtrack, I find ... I WANT CANDY !!!!! : D: D: D

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Olive Oil Best Metal Container

JAPAN BREAK! The Hello Bibliotheque Cafe

The Hello Bibliotheque Cafe Originally uploaded by J is for Jetsetter
. Hach yes, I need some rest ne! The weather, of stared, from not being understood when you want to communicate in English and at all .... hey, off to the south! Follow the sun ..... and that's why we go for 10 days after SE Asia tomorrow!
And to spread the holiday mood, here i show the cafe in Kyoto Hello .... this is one of the most charming and beautiful and is a fine place to just escape the hustle and bustle in Sanjo .... is the way to north of Sanjo-dori (exact address is in the Kyoto edition of the "Lonely Planet" travel guide love Anette!) .... : D Anyway, lets enjoy the beach!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Leisure Time Swing Sets

(K) an end in sight "?

So people, now that's good. Stargate is over! The last episode went. And I know not really if I should laugh or cry.
There are still a few open plots. But the Epi per se have impressed me very much. In particular, the fact that Daniel Vala un (finally) find each other, but then remember a thing. (This somehow reminds me of this one Farscape episode where age and Aryn Criton And eventually be young again and not remember anything.)
The effects were really great and the mask was really great. We have seen how our heroes look like in 50 years. Also, the Asgard were times while I loved it. But that was unfortunately the last time

Somehow I feel empty. As can be seen at 7 years of this series, and then it is suddenly over. The tears have a gap in your life. I'm not sure how to fill this gap. Sure, there are FFs and will give it whatever, but you can not see every week a new exciting episode. The Charaktäre will only be in the form FFs (and possibly in the two films, but even that is doubtful).

Daniel I was also shocked at this Epi. He yelled at Vala and not too tight. I never thought that he can be such a asshole. So I am probably mistaken. But there was a reconciliation ...

Nevertheless, I'll probably never forget this series and it will always have a place in my heart. (Oh man, how stupid and naive that sounds. * Lol *) Oh

Friday, March 9, 2007

How Often Do U Feel Stomach Pulse

An afternoon in Nara!

hehehe ... here are some really funny pictures, sponsored by the love Kana (thanks!) because my camera is currently out of order! Because the battery is extremely flat and the part is apparently difficult to raise because a funny size, etc. In short, it is about time for a scho Digi Cam, n `est pas? So into the fun:

a look alike contest!! Hmmmmm, the resemblance is amazing! : D

When feeding doe .... just what they eat there?! Strange perspective, hmmmm ....

Yes, another look alike .... hehe!

The camouflage is almost perfect, or ????? : D: D: D

Then on to Todai ji, industrious LiveJournal readers know the building already in a previous entry, that's why saving I be the explanation;) lalala *

inside is really cool because there Gibts nit only the giant Buddha, aka Daibutsu, but in one of the fairly wide wooden pillars and a mini-hole! And it is rumored that those who get there by fit enlightenment .... yay! Since natural simma same all slipped through, more or less .... Aiaiai.

The love Henrik has since fitted by the same loose, so you can see how much space had arrived! My goodness!

Juhui, Joe is also the nit stuck still .....

the joy radiating Kana not .....

and the striving for enlightenment Kathi either! ;)

Yes, we all become enlightened! The question is only when? And how? By kuinep? Certainly not! Hahahahaha ........
to end with a strong drink green tea, yummie yummie!

He was and can see how women really super delicious .... so, dear people, that's it for today! Mata ne! See ya: D

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Pregnant With Piriformis Syndrome

plum blossom!

Juhu! Spring is just around the corner: D: D: D And he announced here apparently with the plum blossom on .... how beautiful!

Hai, hai! This is photographed in the Kitano Shrine, there are quite a lot of plum trees ... in all color variations from white to pinky .... きれい !!!!! Here's a snapshot of Victoria, and me ....

Yes, as can be seen in the backgrounds were quite a lot of Japanese there ...
is otherwise much nit grad here! Do read a lot, especially about tea ceremony and Zen Buddhism (yes heard it all together, and is incredibly interesting!) And try to get along with my new electronic dictionary ... even nit that easy! And new travel plan, of course! 'm Still here almost a month vacation ... hehe;)

The cherry blossom is the way the end of March (so around the 25th round) so far this year ... his songwriter then hopefully a bit warmer. Yes
By the way: here is the view over the rooftops of Uji from our balcony .... it burns because, although apparently on the hill, but otherwise isses but quite nice, right? Must be soon a pic of meim rooms and so put in here ...

Okidoki, have fun all of you! Smoot! : D Lalala

Friday, March 2, 2007

Figure Out What Kind Of Rabbit

Ginkakuji in early February!

^ _ ^ yes, then vice-i online again a few photos! Thanks to the generous donation by Frank san-i now have some new pictures. And yes, Frank can easily take pictures better I need (I admit not entirely without envy ....). Goodie, so a few photos of me, and know ..... eh scho. Let's enjoy together ....

Ginka This is the mistake from the top to not-for-the Kinkakuji in this beautiful property it is where the Silver Pavilion, or Silver Pavilion, but he is not really silver. But is still nice

As one can see a high quality photo, * cough *: D

and even a photo extra for Corinna! Eh know ... Kathi in the foreground and some interest behind it ... hahahaha ... ;)

Well, my photos are also quite reasonable, ned woa? ;)

hehe, which had to be easy .... I think I'm squinting in the photo!? Behind the big dark glasses, haha!

at the entrance or exit of Ginka .... tons of Japanese!

And away from the crowds by strolling along the Yoshida Shrine and campus ... to be shown here once, because after all, studier i ja scho here almost half a year .... more or less!

This is the main building of the clock tower, along with tree .... the whole or part is the main component of the emblem the university. Neat, no? So that is all for today. Who can guess which photos were of me? Meow-round in the rate of + a couple of Japanese goodies as first prize! Well? Mata ne! See ya! Chompy: D: D: D