Thursday, January 27, 2011

Iron Horse Yakuza Ojiki

not sleep

Мля, не спится.

Слушаю русскую попсу, ну или попсу на русском, и какие-то воспоминания странные Kills climb. Damn, fewer had coffee with Beiliss at night looking to drink. Well, my throat just a beer and drink: (((can I have bronchitis? Hell of a cough for 5 days throat almost no pain, but his voice is almost gone, saying in a whisper. Here I drink milk with honey in the hope of salvation. Kapets, human Hagen: I'm so fine with the idea to think I can jump! Here I reread my scribbling - complete nonsense: Boombox started with songs, and stopped for bronchitis and Hagen with Bayliss. Hahahaha. Sometimes difficult to understand me .. Maybe we all future scholars such cheknutye?

So, what I mean.

today met with Romchikom, my classmates from Kiev. Yes, yes, it happens sometimes. We PCBs students in different branches of the same uni. Not only that - at the university, I thought it is stupid .. drotom, and he gave me - dumb blond. And now we are friends ... Still the same mentality plays a role. It all started when I showed him Freiburg and where to get everything you need in it (socks, underwear, bread ..), then went with him to the embassy, where he talked for German, well then, somehow struck up a case. Today, six hours at the bar talked about everything, remembered former Kiev, sigh: When playing in liter-ball, and I fell asleep drunk in the men's room when my daughter was carrying a professorial stuff at the seminar, as one friend drove to the university, before 6 am playing monopoly (and Dimonchik angry that we bought it Obolon) as a chess game played by pairs, as hookah smoking, drinking brandy with lemon, stoned as a couple on the theory of chaos come, oh yes a lot of things ... :) Romchik then suddenly said: "You know, Nastya, I do not know German, and friends I have almost not here, and on weekends I only sleep there, and stouter on 8kg and still feel like a human, and not, as in Ukraine. I am glad that I have these memories, but more pleased that I have a new life now, I feel safe and confident and did not need anything ...." God, as I understand it! Of course, even the 2000 UAH. in Ukraine - It's not bad for a graduate student, but with our inflation and corruption ... does not pull back once ... of course, a different mentality here (for example, croissants with jam and butter for breakfast:))) just kidding), but you get used to everything:) all we are people ...

Oh, already so late. Finished her milk. All went to bed. Guta Naught!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Running Homecoming Princess Ideas

Night of Museums in the bezel

Neither more nor less - 1.5 museums, 2 exhibitions + 0.3 + concert in Munster 10-15 tracks at a club after that. Total - 6 hours well-spent time on the "domestication" . As usual, this night for the visitors younger than 25 years, entrance to museums is free (ie, lucky).

Most of the time spent at the Museum Tinguely. Such a miracle I had not seen it! The Museum is dedicated to the life and work famous machine sculptor Jean Tinguely. The permanent exhibition displays works by the artist in all stages of his career. The essence of the museum - lots of interesting pieces collected from all debris, Swiss metallokonstruktorom:) but still they can move:)

Here are konstrueviny hanging under the roof of the museum:

But this "bird" wings waving:

dog for a walk out:

incredibly beautiful drawing a car (impressionism?):

This guys talking:

Local Beauty:

most interesting - the exhibition "Ande DestrAkshn":

Home feature of this exhibition - visitors permitted to peck the floor until your feet get tired or bored ...

And, you can make toast with this here colossus:

.. And see how the shoot in the fridge:

This machine kiss each other. And three months ago, they simply put side by side flights. Every day they get closer to each other by 1 cm closer. Amazing!

's room, which rotates together with all contents in it. Well roar!

The next museum we visited an interesting exhibition of the architect - the author's ideas tntsuyuschego home in Prague. This is a residential area somewhere far away in America or Canada:

This can not remember. In my opinion, simply one of the working moments Author:

Then a guard came and asked for no more pictures : (

after going to the museums at 2.00 the night we went to a local Protestant Münster concert to listen (Basel - protestanstsky Canton):

Tools like:

Especially this:

one word - "civilize" it is a pity that little time ... : (

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Maintain Confidentiality

Mallorca im Winter

One day before Christmas we found a good offer from Air Berlin. It was a flight to Palma de Mallorca for half the price. The hotel was relatively cheap - it cost about 58 € per night for two in winter.

On the fourth of January we were already on the plane on our way to sunny Spain, where you can get much-much heat. And so, in Palma, we were very surprised: the weather was pretty nice: +21 ° C outside. The city has looked like in the summer: the bright sun, blue sea, and, of course, lots of big green palm trees everywhere.

Otherwise, many happy people with dogs.

On our first day in Palma, I've tried for the first time English national food. English typical food is quite rich and varied: rice and salads to meat and seafood. The starters, for various meats, vegetables, and seafood places exist, are called TAPAS.

But in Spain we are interested not only for food but also for relaxation and recreation.

In summer it is easy to go to the beach, in to be the sun. Too bad it's too cold in winter to swim in the sea. But still can you go for a walk, visit interesting places and breathe fresh sea air. It is also very healthy and useful. We did that.

We rented a car, we drove to the East and West coasts.

We visited several cities, the small but very cozy are.

On our way to Deia, have a city with a large and beautiful park, we made so many breaks, because it's not as easy to drive with hairpin bends.

The cities on the island of Mallorca seemed to be very similar: small houses,

many Blum,

and messy cabling.

On the east coast we visited a cave. Previously, we had trouble finding the cave, but we had managed to get out and it was worth it.

In whole, I can say that winter in Mallorca, such as the beautiful spring or early Summer in Freiburg. Everything looks very nice and green! We are not swimming in the sea and have not being in the sun, but still get a lot of positive emotions and new powers for the new year!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can You Transfer Herpes Zoster?

loyal_fr @ 2011-01-04T11: 09:00

Some time ago I wrote that many European cities seem to be more or less equal: rivers, stone roads, old architecture, etc. I was wrong! I had not see Amsterdam before!

It is really difficult to express all my feelings about this wonderful, incredibly attractive city that let you feel real freedom! The atmosphere of Amsterdam is such that you feel you can do what you want. You can walk the whole night along beautiful canals, enjoying full moon, you can observe funny non-straight houses around you, you can reach your art education with museum visits, you can catch a sexy girl in "Red Light District", you can smoke marihuana, you can eat smart mushrooms, you breath with party-every-day air. Many possibilities, aren't they? What can be better for the tourists?

Guess the first thing we did in Amsterdam... Sure, we ate! National dutch food is very simple - potatooe with some carrot and beaf meat. Looks attractive:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Coffee Percolator Rankings

Happy New Year!

Неделю was Amstere .. somehow I'll write about this wonderful city. I'm still ecstatic, shocked and did not know how to call it ... town just witch freedom, brightness, architecture, romance ... Here and there the smell of marijuana, girls and gay life. I expected to see a typical European city with bruschatkoy and a similar architecture, as in Freiburg. NEEEEt! all quite different ...

Yesterday was the four countries in one day. I thought the roof will carry with fatigue. Awoke at 4.30 am in Amstere, 8 aircraft and the airport is only a taxi, after having handed over the keys to the hotel well and spakovav remaining in the bag. Hotels - a complete shit. Moreover, that 2 hours, they reviewed since vosprosami about booking a hotel, so also were told that breakfast is not included (as it was included, blinnn). As a result, every morning we went to search of food, and 01.01 in the morning it was not easy. Plenty of pizza, Coffee shops and things, but not coffee and a croissant. PPC. But back to the hotel. Daly, 2 beds, individual, pushed together instead of one gnormalnoy double. A tiny bathroom that can accommodate only one person. And it's all in a currently sovochnom style, a la 50-60-year Tide. In general, amazed at what's to pay 200 euros per night. Damn, I was again frustrated from one topic to another.

At 8 were at the airport, heading for Paris Airport-Charles de Gaulle (terribly tasteless great place), KLM Airlines. Good. Gave a meal for two large sandwiches, even though the flight lasted only 45 minutes. Next we had to travel from one airport to another, local, local. it is somewhere 45-50 miles across town. But the time we had plenty - 8 hours with the tail. During this time I showed Etienne part of the city, which includes the Eiffel Tower and Champs Elysees. Etienne ofigel of beauty, said he wants to climb the Eyfelevku. I offered to make this thing climb in the spring and summer, because now everything is gray, overcast, impressions will be better still in the warmer time of year. At that decided to do.

final point of our flights - Airport Basel-Mulhouse-Myullhaus where we are after a 1.5-hour flight. Seemed flew 10 hours on some old for maize: a roar, I have not heard. In the end, somehow got to the Basel Swiss ban, where I boarded a train to Freiburg, a ete - to Tsyuri. And dispersed.

today came to work - no one. None at all. Normal people are on vacation. I, too, a couple of days to Majorca, it remains to treat colds.

Again and again, think about the possibility of a job, I teach German, 11.1 to receive recommendations from superiors, and there must write a letter rabotoldatelyam, although expectations are less and less ... sad ...

Oh, and Happy New Year!