Monday, April 14, 2008

Does Seafood Contain Cholesterol

marry24 @ 2008-04-14T11:12:00

Class start, I'd say. The terribly boring module that we now 'have added with medical computer science, biometry and epidemiology now started promising: actually four hours of lectures in computer science, two including 3 / 4 hour break ...
The weekend was beautiful. .. does nothing made that was even remotely reminiscent only of the UNI ... and spent time with Jens. We really had storm-free, and have cooked looked comfortable and then DVD (Sister Act 2 - that makes it so fun) and on Sunday spent in bed until quarter to twelve and then at half past eleven is common to have breakfast with friends on
;-) any case, times have been much too short again, the WoE.
Nina-it was totally nice on Saturday! I hope we can make faster again. That feels good. On Friday Jens
is now operated on, if everything goes well and see what it does not represent that the OP could stand in your way. Otherwise it is he totally good. He dares not only to go to football training because he is afraid that could again trigger arrhythmias. Before the operation I'm definitely for it!