Monday, September 1, 2008

Order Smart Ones Online

More time?

So, today I work only part time, say from 9-14 Clock! * Happy *
because next week is my evening classes (Personnel Management) release. Since I'm already looking forward total on it. I hope this time everything bekomm clocked, even with learning and so on.
Let's see ... wait and drink tea.

This week is the first time nor a bissel relaxation announced! * Happy * twice

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Microsoft Gps Receiver Driver

anne85 @ 2008-07-13T14: 50:00


long time no see.

is time again to post something. * Gg *
I leave soon and am looking forward to relaxing on the Baltic ...

Again I have completed a new SG-1 video. It is a team video that reflects the friendship between the Charas:

Otherwise I will gnießen now the rest of Sunday and a little sewing etc. ...


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pure Energy 48cu Weight

Long long time ago ...


is now how long ago? For too long, that is clear ...!!

Meanwhile, summer holidays, the 10th Class is over. Good riddance intermediate, advanced hi
;-) At the moment I sit for a week in Denmark, I put pictures inside, I would do really well now, I just sits in the wrong laptop ... Well anyway, when I'm home again (a week I'm still here) I will take care of me again reinforced here by the LJ page. The current header was just transition
cough * Well, then.

I I wish you all a wonderful Saturday night =)

LG Aloha Annika

Monday, April 14, 2008

Does Seafood Contain Cholesterol

marry24 @ 2008-04-14T11:12:00

Class start, I'd say. The terribly boring module that we now 'have added with medical computer science, biometry and epidemiology now started promising: actually four hours of lectures in computer science, two including 3 / 4 hour break ...
The weekend was beautiful. .. does nothing made that was even remotely reminiscent only of the UNI ... and spent time with Jens. We really had storm-free, and have cooked looked comfortable and then DVD (Sister Act 2 - that makes it so fun) and on Sunday spent in bed until quarter to twelve and then at half past eleven is common to have breakfast with friends on
;-) any case, times have been much too short again, the WoE.
Nina-it was totally nice on Saturday! I hope we can make faster again. That feels good. On Friday Jens
is now operated on, if everything goes well and see what it does not represent that the OP could stand in your way. Otherwise it is he totally good. He dares not only to go to football training because he is afraid that could again trigger arrhythmias. Before the operation I'm definitely for it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Cheapest Dirt Bikeing Shirts

marry24 @ 2008-02-20T16:53:00

Hallöchen ... I exist too.
Just performed in Ludwigsburg in the Children's Hospital and make clerkship. Fortunately, there were totally straightforward and took me to the cancellation of all the practices without much fuss.
The babies are sooo sweet, I can only grade again not to the very young (like early last week also has not) because I've got a cold sore again ... I'm so angry this morning when I noticed it!
power definitely fun there!
Slowly dribble one of our notes. 'm Really super happy, except for the main exam inside (with the stupid multiple answers), I've got a 2.8. Better than falling through all, but that it has a total served with the note inside for two ne ...
A note is missing, which stretched from the patient record ... I'm on it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How Can I Protect My Hair Fall With Yoga

marry24 @ 2008-01-22T18:30:00

As always, it is almost like hell ...
Why am I only the most time in the semester too relaxed? All well and good under pressure, you learn / I better but each semesters me this breakthrough pressure sucks in the end, always remember the catastrophe and yet I am not able to change that. Faulheitsgen dominated somehow.