Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Disconnect 99 Windstar Door Chime

marry24 @ 2006-04-26T13:29:00

The Evening with the video has become nothing. Catherine had only called off because her aunt has come to the hospital, and she had no desire to make it something, and shortly afterwards called me Laura that she must go home because they desperately need their gynecologist. Then I'm walking
with Leonie gegangen.war on the banks of the Neckar still warm. have an ice geschlotzt. nice
I was swimming before really. Long have I not kept up, but half an hour is better than nothing;)
Now I will strike the degree of killing time, because what I've printed, but the always takes so long until you can pick it up.
And then I cook something nice to do and carrot salad'm hungry (only ne Kiwi gefühstückt)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Service Dog Vest In Canada

marry24 @ 2006-04-25T10:34:00

Today I feel better. Hab grad
talked with Leonie. The always feel like if you told her something. And then we have courage made for Physikum-is only a test! And you can write again if necessary.

Did yesterday ripped Bißle dusted windows and all heard loud reggae! Then I felt better.
And now I have to write a letter to the telecom, because the notice sent to me ne 17/08/2922 !!!????
And then I go to learn about physics in the UB.
This evening we meet at Laura-cook together and watch a movie ... Looking forward on it (but now I'm done it so crazy was that I think I need the time to learn ANYTHING? * Ahhhh *

noon tomorrow I might go swim-Bißle movement does no harm;)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Pokemon Soul Silver Netplay

marry24 @ 2006-04-17T20:41:00

Sorry if I am currently not really in touch, but I try to grade the last week to enjoy at home and sit it no longer really on the PC ( Also it is stupid to me anyway, arguing with my siblings about ...)
I will be back next week to write more often my frustration of the soul;)
But I've read all of you!